Sunday 15 September 2019

 (Definition of Professionalism, The Standing
Committee on Professionalism.)
A lawyer is not normally subject to Florida Bar discipline for violating professionalism
expectations, but the Supreme Court has stated that in some cases, unprofessional behavior can
also violate the ethics standards stated in the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct, particularly
Rule 4-8.4(d), which describes lawyer misconduct that is prejudicial to the administration of
justice. In other words, if a lawyer’s unprofessional conduct is sufficiently severe, the lawyer
may subject to discipline under the “ethics” rules, the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct.
There are a number of documents that collect the expectations for lawyer professionalism in
Florida into one “integrated standard.” In its Code for Resolving Professionalism Complaints, the
Florida Supreme Court names the following documents as containing the integrated standards it
has for lawyer professional conduct:
o The Florida Bar Professionalism Expectations;
o The Florida Bar Oath of Professionalism;
o The Florida Bar Creed of Professionalism;
o The Florida Rules Regulating the Florida Bar; and
o The decisions of the Florida Supreme Court.
In its Code for Resolving Professionalism Complaints, the Supreme Court says that “substantial
or repeated violations” of the standards announced in the documents above constitute
“unprofessional conduct.”
Unprofessional conduct as described in these documents that does not rise to the level of a
violation of the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct can be handled through an informal
process described in the Florida Supreme Court’s Code for Resolving Professionalism
Complaints. That process allows any person to initiate a professionalism complaint with The
Florida Bar or with a Local Professionalism Panel. Usually, these Panels are made up of lawyers
in the circuit.
The Bar or a Local Professionalism Panel can resolve Professionalism Complaints informally by
providing remedial guidance, if needed. A Panel cannot discipline a lawyer. Alternatively, if the
complaint cannot be resolved informally, the Bar or the Local Professionalism Panel can refer to
matter to The Florida Bar for an investigation into whether the unprofessional conduct violated
the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct.
Although the Florida Supreme Court does not include other professionalism standards as part of
its process for resolving professionalism complaints, students should be aware that there may be
additional guidelines that come from courts or local bar associations.

Creed of Professionalism
I revere the law, the judicial system, and the legal profession and will at all times
in my professional and private lives uphold the dignity and esteem of each.
I will further my profession's devotion to public service and to the public good.
I will strictly adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of my profession's code of
ethics, to the extent that the law permits and will at all times be guided by a
fundamental sense of honor, integrity, and fair play.
I will not knowingly misstate, distort, or improperly exaggerate any fact or opinion
and will not improperly permit my silence or inaction to mislead anyone.
I will conduct myself to assure the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of
every action and resolution of every controversy.
I will abstain from all rude, disruptive, disrespectful, and abusive behavior and will
at all times act with dignity, decency, and courtesy.
I will respect the time and commitments of others.
I will be diligent and punctual in communicating with others and in fulfilling
I will exercise independent judgment and will not be governed by a client's ill will
or deceit.
My word is my bond.

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